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When To Repair Your Roof After a Storm

As spring rolls around, so too does hurricane and tornado season. With this dangerous mix of storms comes high winds, excessive rain, and the occasional spot of hail. All of these can damage your roof and are even worse when combined. If a serious storm has passed through your area, make sure to check your roof (and attic) for damage, and schedule repairs if they become necessary.When to Repair Your Roof After a Storm

Wind Damage

Even if your home and local trees are still in place, your roof may still have taken damage. High winds can peel up the corners of your roof tiles and even fully remove them. Without a sealed surface, your home becomes subject to leaks and further damage as the space left by the missing shingles creates more surface area for the wind to take the next tile. To spot wind damage, look for missing shingles, shingles with their corners curved up, and shingles that are still flat but have detached from one side and stand slightly away from the rest of the roof.

Leaks and Water Damage

While water damage becomes more likely after the wind has damaged shingles, it’s not necessary. High velocity and angled rain can get through unusual vectors, so even if your roof appears undamaged you should check your attic and ceilings for signs of leaks and water damage after each storm. Remember to bring a flashlight to check the far corners of your attic.

Hail Damage

Damage from hail stones is very distinct, just think about the surface of the moon. Unfortunately, while your shingles may look ‘okay’, these craters and pockmarks can damage the surface and compromise the shingles’ integrity. Each shingle is covered in protective granules that contribute to waterproofing and resisting the sun. Hail knocks these granules off and thus damages your roof’s ability to resist the elements.

Storm damage is no joke. You may be tempted to put off roof repair until all the storms are over with to ‘get it all done at once’, but this is a bad idea. By leaving damaged tiles in place through another storm, you are welcoming more advanced roof damage and water damage caused by leaks. If your roof shows any of these signs of damage or you can’t get up there to check, contact us for roofing advice and repair services!