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3 Benefits of Slate Roofing

There are a variety of options available when it comes to roofing materials. One of the choices is slate roofing. Slate offers benefits other roofing material types do not.3 Benefits of Slate Roofing Let’s discuss three of the benefits of slate roofing.

Environmental and Cost Benefits

Slate roofing, unlike other roofing materials it is an excellent candidate for recycling rather than disposal in a landfill.  The material is made from natural materials and will last longer than most other traditional roofing materials. Slate will not deteriorate like other roof materials and minimizes the need for a new roof every so often. Because of slate roof durability and longevity, the resale value of a home with a slate roof will be enhanced.


Slate material is a very durable material. It offers unmatched protection to the structure as well as a level of fire resistance not found in most other roofing materials. Slate roofing also has a very low level of water absorption and that feature makes it frost and mold resistant.

Roofing Material Beauty

Slate roofing is a natural material and offers a classy and beautiful look to any rooftop. The material is available in a variety of styles and colors and will give any roof a unique look. A slate roof will enhance the architectural style of your home, as well as maintain the same look over the years.

For more information about slate roofing, please contact us and let one of our roofing professionals answer your questions, address your concerns and guide you through the slate roof process.