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Commercial Construction Trends in 2018 and Beyond

When it comes to commercial builds, the standards are much different than a residential build. What should you know about the nature of commercial builds?

Commercial Construction Trends in 2018 and Beyond

  • Taking on a commercial build project is a time-consuming project that requires major commitment from the person taking it on. You shouldn’t take on the project if you’re not sure you can commit to that level of time. With commercial constructions, especially in older buildings, time setbacks are not only normal, they are to be expected.
  • Set realistic expectations in your projections. It’s going to take a lot of time, perhaps more time than you realize, and it’s better to be done ahead of schedule than to be unrealistic in your expectations and be behind schedule. This will, ultimately, lead to your clients being disappointed in your work.
  • Permits must be in order. The last thing you want to do is earn the ire of the city. No matter which city you live in, your permits need to be in order — so file for them early and get it done. Permit expediters are available, for a fee, to make sure your paperwork is properly in order.
  • Hire both a good architect and a good designer in order to make sure that your building is up to par with the rest of the buildings in the area, and also to make sure that it’s structurally sturdy.

These are just a few of the many things you need to keep in mind when constructing. For more information about how we can help you, contact us today.