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3 Ways to Get Your Money’s Worth Out of Your Next Roof by Switching to Metal

When your roof’s twelve to twenty years are up and it’s time to re-roof, your choices aren’t just restricted to shingle type anymore. Alternative roofing materials, such as concrete or metal, have been relegated to niche and specialty categories. But over the past few years, they have become just as accessible as traditional shingle roofs and they offer far more benefits. If you know you’re going to be in the market for a new roof soon, make sure you add a metal roof to your list of options.

3 Ways to Get Your Money's Worth Out of Your Next Roof by Switching to Metal

How does a metal roof save you money?

Roofs are such an infrequent purchase that it can be difficult to do your own comparisons and decide to change from a default decision without it feeling too risky. But metal roofs aren’t just good long-term investments. They also help you:

1. Give your property more curb appeal and selling potential.

Whether you’re putting your house on the market soon or you think you might sell it in the next few years, your roof will be a large factor in the final price you get for the property. While most people might be a bit leery about installing a metal roof themselves, it’s something that a lot of home buyers look for. You can take advantage of that hesitance by seeming to take on that risk when it’s no risk at all.

Metal roofs also come in an increasingly wide array of styles and colors. A metal roof won’t look out of place in your neighborhood, and it won’t clash with your house’s exterior. You can select a model that looks almost exactly like the roof you are replacing, or you can choose between tiled, slate, and paneled designs.

2. Negotiate your home insurance premiums because your home is less of a risk.

Your premium is based on the risk your house represents to your insurance company. Even if they don’t advertise every single factor that goes into their calculations, insurance providers have a detailed list of specifics that include your roof and the potential for water damage that they may have to pay for.

Call your agent and negotiate with them about how your new metal roof should lower your rates. Not only do they last a lot longer, even under adverse weather conditions, they’re much less likely to leak than their traditional shingle counterparts.

Because the roof represents less risk for them, it should be a smaller monthly insurance payment for you.

3. Lower your energy bill every month of the year.

Metal doesn’t sound very energy-efficient. When you picture metal, you might be thinking of how hot your car is to the touch during the winter or how cold metal can get in winter. But metal roofs are made with insulation and climate control in mind.

Reflective roofing is much better at deflecting heat away from the underlying structure, and that alone can help reduce your energy bill during the summer. If you combine it with light coloring, the effects are even stronger.

Thermally broken metal roofs, or roofs with a thin space between layers of metal, don’t allow for easy energy transfer, which means your winter heating stays locked inside your home instead of escaping. These properties allow for a lot more heat retention and temperature control than asphalt roofs and tarred shingles.

Metal roofs aren’t just great long-term investments for your home. They can start giving you immediate benefits, too, whether you want to maximize your home’s curb appeal or you just want to keep your home warm and well-protected in the winter. Browse our site for more ways to turn your house into a long-term investment that feels like home.