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Restoring Your Roof after a Storm

In 2018, over 1,000 tornadoes, 4,500 severe hail storms, and 13,000 wind storms occurred in the United States. According to a preliminary report done by the National Weather Service, of these numbers, approximately 1,100 damaging tornadoes, large hail storms, and relentless winds were reported to have taken place in Texas alone.

Restoring Your Roof after a Storm

Storms such as these can easily damage any roof, which will make your house and family vulnerable to the outside elements. As such, you need to stay vigilant and check your roof for issues after each significant storm or have your roof regularly inspected by a professional roofing company.

After a major storm, you can expect to see damage such as loose flashing. You might also find torn or missing shingles, especially in the aftermath of a tornado or high winds. After a significant hail storm, you will often find impact damage such as dents and cracks in your roof.

All of these problems lead to leaks, less energy-efficiency, and make the interior of your home prone to additional damage from rain, snow, ice, bugs, and debris. Because of the possibility of interior and further exterior damage, you don’t want to wait on repairs until the problem becomes severe.

You always should strive to have repairs done expeditiously for the best results. If you do this, you might not need a full roof replacement. Also, depending on your roof’s age, having it repaired as needed can extend its life for many more years, which will cause you less hassle and expense in the long run.

If you need your roof inspected, repaired, or replaced, please contact us today. We’ve been providing expert services to the Dallas, Fort Worth & Lubbock areas since 2010. Our company offers quality roofing materials and services, and we are highly committed to excellence and customer satisfaction.