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Why You Should Hire A General Contractor for Your Remodeling Project

Why You Should Hire A General Contractor for Your Remodeling ProjectThere are many reasons to tell someone to call a General Contractor for Remodeling. General contractors are highly skilled in a trade that knowledge and understanding of laws, structurally important features and measurements that can cost big if done incorrectly.

Pinterest and Television shows have made DIY seem like an attractive option for many people looking to make changes to their homes while saving money. Many people do not realize that usually there is someone licensed, skilled and/or experienced planning and performing the work.

There are many minor remodeling projects that one could certainly do without the help of a General Contractor, but considering the costs could influence you otherwise.

When a job is done incorrectly, it greatly decreases the value of the structure and your home’s resale value. Incorrect measurements, uneven flooring, incorrect materials and the wrong tools are a few examples of what is usually seen. Having a general contractor come in to fix it requires the GC to not only have to demolish the work that was previously done, but also perform the work again with new materials. These costs double, if not triple, what was originally “saved” by the consumer.

Many cities also have strict rules about what needs to be brought to the attention of the city before performing work. Any structural changes, electrical, plumbing and most exterior work need to have a submitted plan that is approved before pulling any permits.

Finding out that any work was done without a permit can have a heavy cost, not only by re-doing it correctly but also being slapped with major fines.

Another factor to consider is the resale value that is lost with DIY work. Most people look for tiny imperfections when purchasing a home and this one could cost big time. Chipping paint on “painted” cabinets is one that is seen a lot, because of the type of paint that is used. A general contractor would need to replace all the cabinets after this small DIY project gone wrong.

Hiring a general contractor is an important part of investing in your home when making any changes.  Remember, if saving money is your main objective, you may end up using cheaper materials in the process. It’s best to discuss those costs with a contractor who may end up deciding to give a discount.

If you’re thinking of remodeling, please contact us today to discuss your needs.