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Choosing The Right Remodeling Contractor

Choosing the right remodeling contractor is easier than you think.  It will require time and effort, but in the end, it is worth it. Here are 5 tips on hiring the right contractor for you.

Choosing The Right Remodeling Contractor

  1. Get Recommendations-  Talk with friends, family, and neighbors who previously have had remodeling done.  Ask them who they used and if they were satisfied with the company.  Also, you may want to talk with a local building inspector, they see all kinds of work and will know which companies to use and which to avoid.
  2. Interview-  When interviewing potential contractors, it is best to meet face to face.  Walk through the room(s) that you want to remodel as you discuss what you have in mind to give the contractor a visual.  Verify that the company is licensed and insured, and ask for references.  Be aware, the contractor should be asking questions about the project as well.
  3. Check References-  Just asking for references is not enough.  Make sure that you verify them.  Ask if the finished project meet their expectations, how long it took the company to complete, and if there were any problems.
  4. Bids-  Acquire no less than 3 bids.  Carefully look the bids over and do not be afraid to ask questions.  The lowest bid is not always the right choice, especially if there is a drastic difference.  The company could be cutting corners with material or employee safety.  Remember the saying, you get what you pay for.
  5. Get It In Writing-  Lastly, make sure that a detailed contract is drawn.  It is a good measure for both you and the contractor.  Before signing make sure everything you agreed upon is in there.

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